

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Albert Weekly Update 19/10/2012

As I write this it is a Saturday morning I am sitting in the Lansing Public Library. Hanneke has commandeered my office space so that she can do some ironing for the neighbors, and watch a movie on the computer at the same time. It's a lovely public library that is two minutes' walk from home, free Wi-Fi, and very quiet. I'm sure that I will spend some time here in the winter, when it will also be nice and warm here.

This week I have sat a Patristic Church History Mid Term Exam. I am slowly getting better at calming the nerves for my exams. It seems silly to be nervous, and it is silly, but the butterflies are getting better each time. I was pretty well prepared, and was able to make a pretty good attempt at all the questions. The final verdict will of course come from my Professor!

No exams next week, and we have the 25th to the 29th off for Reading Recess. This is a chance to catch up on readings, as well as work on assignments and sermons and the like. I have promised the family a Day Out during that time. We are not sure what we are doing yet, but we will keep you posted! I am very much looking forward to a couple of days of catching my breath, and catching back up on a few things that have fallen behind with all the demands for my scholarly attention.

I have two more mid-term exams, Greek after reading recess, as well as New Testament Introduction on November the 13h. They are a wee way away, so I have plenty of time to prepare, as well as getting cracking on a number of assignments that I have.

For New Testament Introduction I have a 3-4 assignment due in a couple of weeks that will look at the question of whether or not John 7:53-8:11 was an authentic part of the original text of the Gospel of John. I will post some of the material on the Blog as I work through it, but it may not be interesting reading for all of you!

I have an Apologetics Paper due on the 7th December. This is a twelve to fifteen page minimum paper on "Encountering Unbelief". I am looking at doing mine on Jehovah's Witnesses, subject to confirmation with my Professor, Rev Strange. I thought that it would be something that would be quite relevant to back home in NZ, given the number of encounters that many of us have with them, many times!

Dr. Venema and a tour party are headed over to New Zealand next week. If you get a chance to go and hear him speak it will be well worth your while. Please say a special hello to them for us, and show them some of our great Kiwi Hospitality.

Finally, you may wish to check out the link below. It is a copy of the Mid America Messenger. You may or may not recognize some of the people on the front cover!

Have a blessed week,


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