

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Kingdom Builders

As I said in my last post, we attend a homeschooling co-op called Kingdom Builders. We attend this every Thursday for art, music and PE. They are about 6 families with about 20+ kids ranging from 0 to 10. Albert came with us on his reading recess break to Kingdom Builders. Every week a family does a devotion and opening of the morning. I volunteered to this week as I had not been scheduled on (aren't those moms thoughtful!) but one of the families was unable to do their turn that week. It was a good opportunity to tell the group what we had done over the summer holidays! (HINT think plane!)

Providentially it was also the week that Albert had reading recess and so was able to come and have a look to see what we get up to every Thursday. Albert also volunteered to do the devotions, ofcourse I gladly took up his kind offer ;). He talked about a subject that I wanted to talk about, namely the ant and the pig in proverbs! (Think Judy Rogers songs of proverbs). Albert did an AWESOME job (I'm very biased) and took part with all the activities including saying the pledge to the USA flag!

Albert doing showing a picture of an ant
Shock horror, who is the leader?
Far out, me again this time going over the catechism
(Mama notice the t-shirt?)
Daniel you will be proud of us,
saying the pledge to the USA flag!
Girls telling about their summer holiday, spot our kiwi?
I had printed off some photo's of our trip
More photos
Michaela tell her story
Zara and Kate in art class
Zara and Kate in PE learning softball
Singing to top of the morning!

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